Oracle NOT

The Oracle NOT operator returns TRUE if the following condition is FALSE. Returns FALSE if it is TRUE.
The NOT operator can be used NOT EXISTS, NOT Between, NOT Like, NOT IN.

Oracle NOT example

Select *
From users_log u 
Where u.log_date 
NOT Between '01-SEP-2011' And '30-SEP-2011';

Select *
From books b 
Where b.book_id NOT Between 200 and 400;

Select *
From books b  
Where b.book_name NOT Like = '%JAVA%';

Select *
From students  
Where email IS NOT NULL;

Select *
From books
Where book_id 
NOT IN (Select book_id From sales );

Select *
From books
(Select *
From sales s
Where b.book_id = s.book_id);

Select *
From cities  
Where city <> 'LONDON';